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    Villa Nazari,Sierra de Cádiz / Ubrique,Andalucía Interior #1
    Villa Nazari,Sierra de Cádiz / Ubrique,Andalucía Interior #2
    Villa Nazari,Sierra de Cádiz / Ubrique,Andalucía Interior #3
    Villa Nazari,Sierra de Cádiz / Ubrique,Andalucía Interior #4
    Villa Nazari,Sierra de Cádiz / Ubrique,Andalucía Interior #5
    Villa Nazari,Sierra de Cádiz / Ubrique,Andalucía Interior #6
    Villa Nazari,Sierra de Cádiz / Ubrique,Andalucía Interior #7
    Villa Nazari,Sierra de Cádiz / Ubrique,Andalucía Interior #8
    Villa Nazari,Sierra de Cádiz / Ubrique,Andalucía Interior #9
    Villa Nazari,Sierra de Cádiz / Ubrique,Andalucía Interior #10
    Villa Nazari,Sierra de Cádiz / Ubrique,Andalucía Interior #11
    Villa Nazari,Sierra de Cádiz / Ubrique,Andalucía Interior #12
    Villa Nazari,Sierra de Cádiz / Ubrique,Andalucía Interior #13
    Villa Nazari,Sierra de Cádiz / Ubrique,Andalucía Interior #14


    Villa Nazari,Sierra de Cádiz / Ubrique,Andalucía Interior image-1
    Villa Nazari,Sierra de Cádiz / Ubrique,Andalucía Interior image-2
    Villa Nazari,Sierra de Cádiz / Ubrique,Andalucía Interior image-3
    Villa Nazari,Sierra de Cádiz / Ubrique,Andalucía Interior image-4
    Villa Nazari,Sierra de Cádiz / Ubrique,Andalucía Interior image-5
    Villa Nazari,Sierra de Cádiz / Ubrique,Andalucía Interior image-6
    Villa Nazari,Sierra de Cádiz / Ubrique,Andalucía Interior image-7
    Villa Nazari,Sierra de Cádiz / Ubrique,Andalucía Interior image-8
    Villa Nazari,Sierra de Cádiz / Ubrique,Andalucía Interior image-9
    Villa Nazari,Sierra de Cádiz / Ubrique,Andalucía Interior image-10
    Villa Nazari,Sierra de Cádiz / Ubrique,Andalucía Interior image-11
    Villa Nazari,Sierra de Cádiz / Ubrique,Andalucía Interior image-12
    Villa Nazari,Sierra de Cádiz / Ubrique,Andalucía Interior image-13
    Villa Nazari,Sierra de Cádiz / Ubrique,Andalucía Interior image-14

    Holiday home Sierra de Cádiz / Ubrique Andalucía Interior Villa Spain for rent Nazari

    Located exactly 9 km north of Ubrique. Rustic house with 2 apartments "Gran Nazari", built in 2000, renovated in 2012. House Equipment: wood firing. Access & Parking: on the road. All-season motor access to the house. Situation: in the centre of Benaocaz, quiet position. View from the apartment of the mountains and the resort. Surroundings of the house: grounds (private use, 400 m2, fenced), swimming pool (private use, length 7 m x width 4 m, open from 01.06. untill 15 .09.), barbecue (private use). Facilities and distances: shop 500 m, grocers 500 m, supermarket 500 m, restaurant 500 m, swimming pool 1 km, sports centre 8 km, golf course 80 km, tennis 8 km, bus stop 500 m. Please note, nearby is a motorway in 50 km, main road in 200 m and ein airport/airfield in 80 km.




    Living/dining room with local TV and open fireplace. Smoking not allowed. Sleeping room with 1 double bed. Sleeping room with 1 double bed. Sleeping room with 2 single beds. Sleeping room with 2 single beds. Sleeping room with 2 single beds. Open kitchen with 4 hot plates, micro wave, dining table, dishwasher and fridge. Bath/WC. Terrace 150 m2, terrace furniture. Other equipment: iron, washing machine. VR/CA/047

    Located exactly 9 km north of Ubrique. Rustic house with 2 apartments "Gran Nazari", built in 2000, renovated in 2012. House Equipment: wood firing. Access & Parking: on the road. All-season motor access to the house. Situation: in the centre of Benaocaz, quiet position. View from the apartment of the mountains and the resort. Surroundings of the house: grounds (private use, 400 m2, fenced), swimming pool (private use, length 7 m x width 4 m, open from 01.06. untill 15 .09.), barbecue (private use). Facilities and distances: shop 500 m, grocers 500 m, supermarket 500 m, restaurant 500 m, swimming pool 1 km, sports centre 8 km, golf course 80 km, tennis 8 km, bus stop 500 m. Please note, nearby is a motorway in 50 km, main road in 200 m and ein airport/airfield in 80 km.
    s’accepten grups de joves en aquesta villa
    malauradament no s’accepten animals de companyia en aquesta villa

    Instal·lacions i serveis

    • Piscina privada 28 m²
    Al voltant de la casa
    • terrasa
    • barbacoa
    • cuina de quatre focs
    • microones
    • nevera
    • rentavaixelles
    • rentadora
    Sala d’estar
    • llar de foc

    Hores d’arribada i sortida

    Arribada: Des de 16:00 abans 19:00
    Sortida: Abans: 10:00



    • Platja més propera: 9 km


    • XRY:78 km


    Serveis obligatoris

    Security deposit: 272,20 USD , A pagar a l’arribada

    Serveis opcionals

    Fons de cancel·lació : 4.80% De la quantitat total

    Més informació

    Si vols saber més sobre com reservar una villa o si tens altres preguntes que no pots resoldre, contacta’ns si us plau per telèfon +34 931 815 637 o per correu electrònic (sempre responem en 24h, però la majoria de vegades fins i tot més ràpidament). Els nostres treballadors respondran les teves preguntes el més aviat possible. Si no ens pots contactar per telèfon (de vegades les línies estan ocupades), segueix intentant-ho, si us plau.