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    Villa Melhe,Lloret de Mar,Costa Brava #1
    Villa Melhe,Lloret de Mar,Costa Brava #2
    Villa Melhe,Lloret de Mar,Costa Brava #3
    Villa Melhe,Lloret de Mar,Costa Brava #4
    Villa Melhe,Lloret de Mar,Costa Brava #5
    Villa Melhe,Lloret de Mar,Costa Brava #6
    Villa Melhe,Lloret de Mar,Costa Brava #7
    Villa Melhe,Lloret de Mar,Costa Brava #8
    Villa Melhe,Lloret de Mar,Costa Brava #9
    Villa Melhe,Lloret de Mar,Costa Brava #10


    Villa Melhe,Lloret de Mar,Costa Brava image-1
    Villa Melhe,Lloret de Mar,Costa Brava image-2
    Villa Melhe,Lloret de Mar,Costa Brava image-3
    Villa Melhe,Lloret de Mar,Costa Brava image-4
    Villa Melhe,Lloret de Mar,Costa Brava image-5
    Villa Melhe,Lloret de Mar,Costa Brava image-6
    Villa Melhe,Lloret de Mar,Costa Brava image-7
    Villa Melhe,Lloret de Mar,Costa Brava image-8
    Villa Melhe,Lloret de Mar,Costa Brava image-9
    Villa Melhe,Lloret de Mar,Costa Brava image-10

    Holiday home Lloret de Mar Costa Brava Villa Spain for rent Melhe

    Villa in Lloret de Mar situated at 100m from the beach of Cala Canyelles

    Ressenyes dels hostes (2)

    • Aquesta vil·la s’ha reservat 4 vegades
    • 16 hostes han gaudit d’aquesta villa
    • Aquesta vil·la s’ha visitat 426 vegades Aquest mes
    Localització (8.0)
    Comfort (3.0)
    Impressió (4.0)
    Qualitat/preu (3.0)





    Your holiday villa near Lloret de Mar

    Melhe is situated on a quiet street with destination traffic. You can park your car in a parking space. Melhe is situated in a quiet urbanisation. The distance to the beach is 150 meters. Melhe is situated on street level. The entrance is on the first floor. Melhe is a fully detached villa on walking distance from the beach. Entrance: Here you find the living room, open kitchen and 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom. The interior of Melhe is spanish and functional. The inside is light with a nice atmosphere. Melhe disposes of a a nice view . You have to your disposal a designed garden. This holdiay residence is very suitable for families with children because of the central position.

    Obligatory costs to be paid on arrival:
    Final cleaning: 50 euros

    Optional extra costs to be paid on arrival:
    Bed linen: 15 euro per person
    Baby bed. 25 euro per week

    Lloret de Mar

    This coastal town, situated only 80 kilometers from Barcelona, has become well known in all of Europe as a cosmopolitan resort with a turbulant nightlife. In Lloret de Mar, the memories of the past perfectly combine with lovely sandy beaches.
    Lloret was founded from pre-Roman settlements, which can still be visited. Highlights of these architectural treasures are the Church of San Roma, the Castle of Sant Joan and the many chappels. You will also love the botanic gardens of Marimutra in Blanes. Here you can see over 3000 different species of plants.
    Vidreres, at 15 kilometers, is a lovely authentic Catalan village where tourist can mingle between the local populace. The towns center has a beautiful church around which the shops are situated.
    Lloret de Mar was once, like the neighbouring pitoresque town Tossa de Mar at only 11 kilometers, a fishermans town. In the second half of the 20th century, however it was discovered by tourism.
    This gives Lloret the cozy atmosphere of the old towns center with a labyrinth of shopping streets as well as an active nightlife with many pubs and clubs.
    On the wide sandy beaches you can enjoy many watersport activities. The good accessibility of Loret de Mar itself and the many activities like golf courses, waterparks, dolphinarium, horse riding facilities and sportscentra contribute to a perfect holiday.

    s’accepten grups de joves en aquesta villa
    malauradament no s’accepten animals de companyia en aquesta villa


    Dormitori 1: 1x Llit doble , 1x Llitera


    Bany 1: Dutxa, Pica, Lavabo

    Instal·lacions i serveis

    Al voltant de la casa
    • aparcament
    • terrasa
    • jardí
    • cuina de quatre focs
    • forn
    • microones
    • nevera
    • congelador
    • torradora
    • rentadora
    • cd
    • ràdio
    • dvd
    • Tv per satèllit

    Hores d’arribada i sortida

    Arribada: Des de 16:00 abans 21:00
    Sortida: Abans: 10:00



    • Platja més propera: 150 m
    • Botiga més propera: 1000 m
    • Vida nocturna més propera: 2 km
    • Restaurants més propers: 150 m


    • Barcelona (Airport):125 km
    • Girona (Airport):40 km


    Serveis obligatoris

    Security deposit: 217,76 USD , A pagar a l’arribada

    Serveis opcionals

    Llençols Inclòs per persona
    Llit infantil Inclòs
    Fons de cancel·lació : 4.80% De la quantitat total

    Més informació

    Si vols saber més sobre com reservar una villa o si tens altres preguntes que no pots resoldre, contacta’ns si us plau per telèfon +34 931 815 637 o per correu electrònic (sempre responem en 24h, però la majoria de vegades fins i tot més ràpidament). Els nostres treballadors respondran les teves preguntes el més aviat possible. Si no ens pots contactar per telèfon (de vegades les línies estan ocupades), segueix intentant-ho, si us plau.