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Villa Malgrat de Mar | Malgrat de Mar villas

1 result
Valoració de Club Villamar
Why should you rent a villa in Malgrat de Mar? Malgrat de Mar, a small village at the Costa Maresme was a small fishermen village. Espacially these last years there became a lot of new and first class hotels. The old centre of Malgrat de Mar is still a nice and characteristic centre where you find really nice Spanish bars, restaurants and shops. When you want to enjoy a nice holiday with your children,Malgrat de Mar is the perfect place to be. Off course there is the beach and a lot of communal pools, but there is also a really nice castle park for children. This park has been built in association with the government of Malgrat. The park is free from entrance. In the park are a lot of playgrounds, like water tracks, skate coasts, toboggan, swings and nice picnic tables where you can have a nice lunch in the open air. In this park there is a also a small restaurant where you can eat. In Malgrat de Mar there is a train station. From this station you can for example travel to the beautiful big city Barcelona. Malgrat de Mar is a nice and cosy village, if you want to enjoy the sun on the beach, or do some water sport activities, every ingredient is there to have a nice holiday. Rent a villa in Malgrat de Mar!